The Independent Education Consultants Ltd

Need advice with choosing the right boarding school?
Our help and support
Whether you are feeling confused by the many boarding school options to choose from, worried about getting the choice wrong, or feeling that a lack of understanding of the application, testing and interview process is holding you back, our aim is to help and support you, every step of the way.Boarding school experts
Our partner Company, The Independent Education Consultants, encompasses a team of supportive boarding school experts who are passionate about British education. Helping parents like you to choose the right British boarding school, so your child will be happy and fulfil their true potential, is something they strive to achieve for every family they work with, no matter where you live in the world.Trusted working relationships
Since 2011, they’ve built trusted working relationships with 100’s of families who live all over the world. All with a common aim, to give their child the opportunity of a lifetime, investing in their future, by securing a place at a British boarding school.How can The Independent Education Consultants help you to secure a place at the right boarding school?
Over many years as a team of education consultants, we’ve gained an insight into parents’ common worries, sticking points, and frequently asked questions about boarding school applications.
Determined to provide services which are accessible to parents all over the world in different time zones, with varied amounts of time and money to invest, we’re confident that our range of education consultancy services will give you the support and advice you need.
Here’s how we do this… Watch this video first…
Option 1- 1-2-1 Boarding school consultancy package

Whether you have two months, or two years before your planned start date for joining a boarding school, one of our expert team of consultants will work with you 1-2-1, taking you step-be-step through the process of choosing and applying to British boarding schools.
Via a series of video calls and personal email communication, our consultant will help you with choosing the right shortlist of boarding schools for your child, then assist you with booking school visits (virtual or in person) arranging the registration process, help you with preparing your child for entry tests and interviews, as well as guide you in making the final decision – accepting the right boarding school place.
By building a close working relationship with your expert Consultant, you will be able to move faster and with more confidence towards your goal of securing a place at the right boarding school for your child, so they will be happy and fulfil their potential.
To help you via our Boarding School Consultancy Package, we first need to get to know you and your child, so we can offer you focused and relevant advice. We do this by asking you to complete an online parent questionnaire which helps both you and us to establish exactly what the right school for your child looks like.
Building on this information, our Consultant will speak to you via video call to discuss up to 5 boarding schools which match what you are looking for. The outcome will be a list of schools that you are confident meet what you are looking for in the right school for your child.
This video call also enables you to get to know us and experience the benefits of working with one of our Consultants 1-2-1. You can then decide whether you wish to work with us on an on-going basis, holding your hand all the way through the 7-Step process, all the way through to accepting a place at the right boarding school.
Step One of accessing our Boarding School Consultancy Package is to invest in the Consult a Consultant Service. Once you and your Consultant have got to know one another, you’ll be able to discuss on-going support via our 1-2-1 package.
Option 2 - Join our digital consultancy community

Via our online course, we’ve shared years of education consultancy secrets with you via a digital platform. Becoming a member of our online community via your course purchase, gives lifetime access to step-by-step expert guidance, which is available to you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Taking you through the process of evaluating what you are looking for in the right boarding school, researching schools effectively, visiting, testing and interviewing, accepting offers, preparing to join and settling into boarding school.
In an easy to follow way, the online course video lessons, workbooks, checklists and factsheets, in tandem with up to three video calls with a consultant expert, guides you through the process of choosing and accepting a place at the right boarding school, one step at a time.
Option 3 – Consult a Consultant via video call

For parents who simply want help with reviewing boarding school options for their child and firming up a shortlist of up to 5 boarding schools, this service enables you to achieve this faster, with focus and with confidence in your choices. Using the same Online Parent Questionnaire which we use when working with families 1-2-1, you’ll have access to a video call with a consultant of up to one hour to discuss your child and school wish-list with an expert.
The outcome will be a short-list of up to 5 boarding schools, which will give you the clarity you need to move forward with your school applications, confident you have the right ones on your list and you haven’t missed any potential schools.