Premium service includes:
Fully checked homestay family located within an hour of the school visited and vetted by a senior member of the Guardian Family Network team, closely matched to the interests of the student, considering culture, values, and family background
Regular liaison with school/student/parents and homestay family to provide the best possible pastoral and academic support for the duration of studies in the UK
Initial visit to student within the first month of arrival in the UK and on-going 24/7 support
24/7 support to homestay family and to school
Setting up Client Trust account on behalf of parents to hold funds for the duration of the child’s stay in the UK, from which will be reimbursed homestay family expenses
Preparation of termly accounts, checking client statements and reporting to parents
Initial visit to school or homestay family in response to query or concern – additional visits are chargeable
Does not include (covered under the Premium+ service):
A member of the team to assist with New School preparation, uniform purchase and Joining Documents
Accompaniment to school for first day by member of the team
Annual Visit to monitor pastoral and academic matters with student, tutor and house staff
Termly welfare visits to student at school (if concerns or queries are raised)
Monitoring academic progress by reviewing school reports, supporting parents with concerns and queries
Management and payment of School Fees and Extras
Management and payment of student Pocket Money
Communications with school regarding end of and start of term travel arrangements
Additional student travel within the UK
Airport transfers by taxi to/from school/homestay family (does not include arranging flights)
Arranging airport transfers for parent visits and recommending suitable accommodation
Parents are required to have Travel, Personal Accident and Accidental Damage Insurance.
All damages in a Homestay environment will be chargeable