WO together with partner Education Consultants, The Independent Education Consultants Ltd (TIEC) advise on initial UK Boarding School Placement, furthermore, offering ongoing educational support in addition to guidance at key times such as 11+ and 13+ entry, Senior School decisions, tutoring and University choices. Throughout their time in the UK, each student benefits greatly from the on-going support of all three organisations.
WOはもう一つのパートナーである教育コンサルタントのThe Independent Education Consultants(TIEC)と連携し、ボーディングスクール選び・受験のサポートのみならず、11才・13才でのシニアスクール受験、家庭教師手配、そして大学受験まで一貫した教育サポートを提供し続けています。留学生は英国滞在中の様々な場面において、WO・GNet・TIECの3社による継続的なサポートを受けるという大きなメリットを得ています。
WO has been supporting families with boarding school placements and guardianship services for the past 42 years and over 950 Japanese children have successfully navigated their UK boarding school careers under the careful guidance of the professional team based in Tokyo. This close partnership between WO and GNet has enabled Guardianship provision to evolve and thereby to continue to meet all the requirements of Japanese families and students.